Thursday, February 4, 2016

Medical Clearance Process

Wondering about Medical Clearance?

If you have done your research, you’ll know that the medical clearance process is for the most part a very daunting experience. Whether it be medical costs or extra tasks that you have to complete, the best advice I can give for this stage of the application process is to save your free yearly checkups (physicals and dental if you have insurance) for this very moment.

Medical tasks will populate in your MAP after you have been invited within 6 months from your departure date. If you are within 6 months from departure, they should be available. You have 60 days to get all medical tasks completed. My tasks populated on December 15, 2015 and was due February 9, 2016. Depending on how far out you are from your departure date, here are some things you can have completed before your tasks populate.

-Immunization records/shots (obtain immunization records from your childhood, complete polio shots if needed, tetanus shot – have to have one within 5 years from departure, yellow fever – if your country requires it and has to be less than 7 years from receiving it from departure, varicella proof of immunity, and measles, mumps and rubella proof of immunity)
-If you are a woman within the ages of 21 to 65, you can have your pap smear done up 9 months before departure

Just with what has been stated above, you will have more than half of your tasks completed that are required if your tasks have not populated after your invitation.

For tasks that include your physical and dental exams, I suggest that you try to calculate when your tasks will become available if you are outside of the 6 month from departure date. That way you can go ahead and schedule your appointments.

The dental exam will require the following:
-          A full mouth series OR A Panorex with bitewing X-ray. Periapical or Panorex film must be less than 2 years old. Bitewing X-rays must be less than a year old. Digital films can be easily uploaded to your portal. Please label with your name, DOB and Date of X-ray 
-          Dental exam forms for you Dr to complete. If you have to have dental work done, these forms can’t be turned in before they are completed

The physical exam will require the following:
-          Having your Dr sign off on the HHF form you completed when you first applied
-          Dr sign off on reported medications or any changes
-          Completing your medical compliance form
-          Completing your physical exam form which is a very thorough exam
-          Completing required blood tests (Depending on your country, this could include G6PD)

Check out these screenshots:

Physical Exam

Required Blood Tests
Also, if you are an overweight person, you will be required to get additional blood testing for lipid/cholesterol panel, thyroid panel, and HgbA1c. If you fall into the overweight category, I suggest that you go ahead and order these tests along with the other required tests to avoid another appointment.

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